The Chancellor is Eager to Hear UMBC Community!
Registration is required
Town Hall and Listening Session
with Chancellor Jay A. Perman
Friday, October 1, 2021
Noon. ﹘ 1 p.m.
University System of Maryland Chancellor Jay A. Perman will host a town hall on campus on Friday, October 1, 2021, from noon to 1 p.m.. This event was previously scheduled for September 17. All students, faculty, and staff are invited to attend in person or virtually to ask questions about UMBC’s upcoming presidential transition.
As he shared in his recent message to the UMBC community, the Chancellor is eager to hear about the background and experience that the UMBC community wants in its next leader, as well as thoughts about the future vision and priorities for the institution.
The town hall will be hosted in the Retriever Activities Center with limited and physically distanced seating. Masks will be required. Community members can also participate online. Please register and submit your questions before the event.
Between now and Monday, September 20, you are also welcome to nominate individuals to serve on the search committee by emailing Please include the name, university affiliation, and email address of suggested search committee members. Learn more about engaging with the search process here.
Posted: September 24, 2021, 12:54 PM